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Wednesday - April 1 Devotional / 'April Fools'


Updated: Apr 1, 2020

Do you know what today is? Yes it is April Fools Day. I have so many good memories as a child of my dad pulling off some sort of April Fools joke. It might come as a phone call or an announcement related to some thing me and my brothers loved to do. At the last minute dad would say with a twinkle in his eye - 'April Fools'! The devotion for today is no joke. "The minute I said, “I’m slipping, I’m falling,” your love,God, took hold and held me fast. When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me down and cheered me up." (Psalm 94:18-19) So how is your heart doing these days? How might the cares of life be weighing heavy on your soul? (unemployment, less income, homebound schooling, health, social distancing and...) The Psalmist David take consolation in the love of God that took hold of him and held him up. It was in God's relationship with him that calmed him down and cheered him up. In the evening Karen & I close the day with a devotional and sacred music. The music of John Michael Talbot feeds and calms my troubled soul. So turn off that computer, T.V. or cell phone and fall into those calming, healing arms of God's Spirit. Like John Michael Talbot sings: "Father I put my life in your hands." God Bless your day!

Let us pray: Thank you God for the faithful work of so many to provide food, safety, health, learning, and comfort during this pandemic. Bless them and keep them safe in their service. For those who are grieving gift them with peace that comes from the promise of eternal presence. We look to you heavenly God to guide us and bless us with courage as we face each new day. Amen

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