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"Let Us Pray Discontinued"


"Let us Pray" has been discontinued. Be sure to join us for our first Parking Lot Worship on Sunday July 12th. 8:30am at Trinity 9:30am at Fountain & 10:30am at Grace.

What to expect: Tune your car radio to 88.3 FM

1. Parking is limited, so please share a vehicle with family members from the same household.

2. People could remain in their vehicles or bring lawn chairs – continuing to follow social distancing guidelines and wearing a mask. Car windows are to be closed.

3. The church building will remain closed. Remember to use the restroom beforehand!

4. Please bring your own bread and grape juice for Holy Communion.

5. Offering will be taken as you leave by a council member holding a basket at the end of a long pole.

6. No printed bulletins will be on hand. Bring the one included in this newsletter.

7. Please be respectful of our neighbors and refrain from honking.

8. The service will be broadcast over 88.3 FM radio, so your windows can remain closed.

9. Let us be respectful of each other by maintaining safe social distancing standards, so vehicles will be directed to park by attendants wearing yellow vests.

10. Looking for volunteers to direct traffic & collet offering.

11. Because many members have indicated that they are especially missing fellow- ship, folks would be welcome to hold fellowship following services – again observing social distancing guidelines, wearing a mask, bringing their own coffee, donuts, etc. Driveway communion is still a possibility for those unable or uncomfortable attending one of the parking lot services.

12. Bring your own lawn chairs if you wish to fellowship on the church lawn after worship - again observing social distancing guidelines & wearing a mask.

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