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"Come Unto Me"- Day 7


Welcome to “Come Unto Me” as we journey together through the gospel of Luke. Let us pray: Gracious God we thank you for the Living Word that gives witness to the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. May your Holy Spirit open our souls to this Living Word. Amen

Tuesday, July 14 / Luke Chapter 7

“Are you the one who is to come, or are we to wait for another?” (Luke 7:19) This is the question of a man who is looking for reassurance. John the Baptist had lived his whole life preparing the way for the coming of the Lord! But at this point John finds himself in prison soon to die and he has questions. He is looking for some reassurance that the one he baptized is indeed the long awaited Messiah, Savior, Redeemer, King of Kings, the Alpha and Omega, the Christ.

The message Jesus shares with John the Baptist’s followers is full of hope! “Go and tell John what you have seen and heard.” (Luke 7:22) When have you found yourself at a point in life like John the Baptist –looking for some reassurance? Maybe you just lost your job and you’re not sure how all the bills are going to be paid. “Are you the One”? Or maybe you just heard from the doctor that the cancer is back for the 5th time and you wonder – “Are you the One?” Or maybe the son or daughter you sent off to serve in the military is missing and you wonder – “Are you the One?” Or maybe you find yourself in a abusive relationship with no way out and you wonder –“Are you the One?”

Like John the Baptist there are times that we have questions and doubts about just who this Jesus is. I know that I have been at such a place. But I am so thankful for those people God’s Spirit sent to walk with me and to share with me what they have seen and heard about Jesus in their life. People like my Grandma Gerth, or my Mom & Dad or Arlen Holmen, or Pastor Jordan or…the list goes on and on. In this 7th chapter of Luke we read accounts that point us over and over again to the answer to John the Baptist question “Are you the one who is to come?” Who has God sent to you at such a time?

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