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"Come Unto Me" - Day 16


Welcome to “Come Unto Me” as we journey together through the gospel of Luke. Let us pray: Gracious God we thank you for the Living Word that gives witness to the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. May your Holy Spirit open our souls to this Living Word. Amen

Tuesday, August 11 / Luke Chapter 16

What do you thirst for in life? The two parables in Luke chapter 16 challenge us to consider that very question. What follows is a devotional that I found helpful in reflecting on that very question. The devotional was written by Kelli Green, member of the writing team at Sheridan Lutheran Church.

When I first read this passage, I honestly didn’t understand it. What can this story about a rich man who goes to hell and a poor man full of sores who goes to heaven teach us about quenching our thirst?

On the second reading, I can better picture the rich man. I visualize him going through his life without purpose, only desiring more material goods or worldly items. The beggar Lazarus lives his life right outside of the rich man’s gate. While the rich man sees Lazarus in his pain, he passes him by.

In hell, the rich man realizes that he no longer has worldly items to satisfy his desires and thirst. He thinks of Lazarus, who had nothing of worldly value while on earth, but whose thirst did the Holy Spirit quench. The rich man yearns for this satisfaction, for the quenching of his thirst.

Often, I search for satisfaction in material goods, relationships, achievements, or other worldly things. It sometimes takes low points or hitting rock bottom to force me to look up to where I should truly be looking for satisfaction: in Jesus. Jesus is the only one who can quench our thirst and truly satisfy us.

Heavenly Father, Help us not to be like this rich man. Open our eyes to Your glory around us every day here on earth, and guide our hearts so that we only search for satisfaction in You. You quench our thirst. You satisfy our every desire because of Your gift to us in Your Son. Help us not to put our identity in worldly things, but to instead find our true identity in You. Amen.

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